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Where there’s a will!

Shared from Tax Insider: Where there’s a will!
By Mark McLaughlin, April 2024

Mark McLaughlin looks at the importance of making a will, and some inheritance tax and other implications of intestacy. 

No-one likes to think about their death, so it is perhaps understandable that many people put off drafting their will, and some die without having made a will. 

Death and intestacy 

If an individual dies without making a will, the estate is subject to distribution in accordance with the laws of intestacy, in the Administration of Estates Act 1925 (NB this article considers the law in England and Wales; different provisions apply in Scotland and Northern Ireland).  

This means that an individual’s estate might not be inherited by the ‘right’ beneficiaries.  

Example: Married with children  

A married couple, Bill and Carol, live in London. They have

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