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Waive goodbye to your dividend!

Shared from Tax Insider: Waive goodbye to your dividend!
By Mark McLaughlin, December 2024

Mark McLaughlin looks at dividend waivers for inheritance tax purposes. 

It is not uncommon for shareholders in family and owner-managed companies to waive their rights to receive dividends. In broad terms, a waiver is where a shareholder forgoes (or ‘waives’) their right to be paid a dividend. 

Dividend waivers are often used as part of a tax planning exercise by spouses (or civil partners), such as where, in the absence of a waiver, a dividend would push one of the spouses into a higher income tax bracket. 

However, the inheritance tax (IHT) implications of dividend waivers in income tax planning should not be overlooked. 

Waivers and IHT 

Dividend waivers can also play a significant role in IHT planning. For example, an elderly shareholder in a family company may prefer to waive their entitlement to a dividend so that their estate (and

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