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R&D tax relief: Is HMRC’s new strategy hurting genuine claims?

Shared from Tax Insider: R&D tax relief: Is HMRC’s new strategy hurting genuine claims?
By Lee Sharpe, November 2024

Lee Sharpe considers how HMRC’s campaign against poorly-founded research and development relief claims may be undermining genuine claims and probably government policy. 

Readers will be aware that HMRC has long had concerns about research and development (R&D) claims under the small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) regime, particularly those that resulted in a ‘real money’ tax credit payable to the claimant company. This article sets out how HMRC’s approach to R&D claims has changed over the years. 

Long, long ago… 

The SME R&D regime was introduced for companies over 20 years ago. A few years later, in or around 2006, HMRC opened seven specialist R&D centres to help companies identify tax-eligible R&D projects, and to compose their claims accordingly.  My dealings with the members of HMRC’s Manchester team were largely

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