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More ‘paperwork’! Reporting taxable benefits

Shared from Tax Insider: More ‘paperwork’! Reporting taxable benefits
By Sarah Bradford, June 2024

Sarah Bradford outlines the reporting obligations for employers in relation to benefits-in-kind. 

If you (‘you’ meaning an employer) provided your employees with taxable benefits in the tax year 2023/24, which you did not payroll, you need to report those benefits to HMRC no later than 6 July 2024 on form P11D. You will also need to file a P11D(b), which is your employer’s declaration and your Class 1A National Insurance return by the same date.  

As HMRC no longer accepts paper forms, these must be filed electronically. Penalties are charged if you file your returns late. 

You must also provide your employees with a copy of their form P11D or details of the information that it contains on or before 6 July 2024. 

When is a P11D required? 

You will need to file P11D information for an employee for the 2023/24 tax year if, in that

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