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Keep it in the family! Introducing spouses

Shared from Tax Insider: Keep it in the family! Introducing spouses
By Joe Brough, August 2024

Joe Brough considers how spouses and civil partners can be introduced into a business and tax traps to be aware of. 

When maximising the tax efficiency of married couples (or couples in a civil partnership), one consideration should be whether both spouses’ tax allowances are being fully utilised. Where there are unused personal allowances, or one spouse pays tax at a lower marginal rate, bringing a spouse into a business can provide access to tax efficiencies.  

In the context of this article, spouse can also be taken to include ‘civil partner’.  

Creating a partnership 

A spouse can be introduced into a sole trade business by creating a partnership. One advantage of a partnership structure is that profits and losses can be allocated how the partners choose. This means that where one partner takes little or no part in the day-to-day

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