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Incorporation relief uncertainty

Shared from Tax Insider: Incorporation relief uncertainty
By Lee Sharpe, December 2024

Lee Sharpe looks at some of the finer points of CGT incorporation relief for property businesses. 

Incorporation relief for capital gains tax (CGT) purposes is potentially available under TCGA 1992, s 162; broadly, the business owners transfer their interest in a qualifying business, in exchange for new shares issued by the company. On a qualifying transfer, the capital gain that would otherwise arise on the disposal of the chargeable assets is postponed (or ‘rolled over’) into the shares, pending their subsequent disposal, etc. 

Where a business transfer qualifies, there is no need for a claim; the relief applies automatically (although it can be actively disclaimed under TCGA 1992, s 162A). 

Generally speaking, most of the effort involved in making a successful claim has tended to orient around three key aspects: 

  1. Does the activity qualify as a business? 


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