I have two properties; one I lived in for a while but have rented out for years, and the second I bought and have rented out for a couple of years. I would like to sell both and buy one to live in for myself. What's the best tax viable way to do this?
Arthur Weller replies:
There is no particular 'best tax viable way’ in this scenario. The one that you lived in for a while will be eligible for a certain amount of principal private residence relief for capital gains tax purposes, based on the amount of time you lived there. If you exchange contracts before 6 April 2020, you will get 18 months final period exemption, plus the letting exemption. If you exchange after 5 April 2020, you will only get nine months final period exemption, and no lettings exemption. There is no rollover deferral of the capital gains, due to the fact that you intend to buy a new property to live in.