Have you any suggestions on how to avoid paying council tax on an empty property? We have a property which we do not want to let out for various reasons, and are having to pay with only a small reduction. We do not want tenants. Can you suggest a way we could use the house without paying council tax?
Arthur Weller Replies:
There are various circumstances in which an empty property is exempt from council tax, e.g.
a) Needs structural alteration / major repair,
b) Last used by a charity,
c) Empty unfurnished property for up to six months,
d) Left empty by someone in prison,
e) Left empty by someone in hospital or residential care,
f) Empty following occupier's death,
g) Empty due to occupation prohibited by law etc.
But contrary to the implication of your words, if you use the property you are more likely to be liable to council tax.
Have you any suggestions on how to avoid paying council tax on an empty property? We have a property which we do not want to let out for various reasons, and are having to pay with only a small reduction. We do not want tenants.