Tax Webinars

Register to attend a free webinar hosted by one of our expert tax writers. 

November Webinar: How to Maximise Deductions for Business Expenses

23/11/2021 at 14:00 – 15:00

The ninth webinar in our series will be held on Tuesday 23rd November at 2pm. 

Tax expert Lee Sharpe will be covering:

1.    Why you probably should be claiming more for use of home as office if you’re in business on your own account – a more in-depth study of the categories of expenditure that are potentially claimable – and how much

2.    “Wholly and Exclusively” does NOT mean wholly disallowable

3.    Pre-trading / commencement expenses – DON’T assume they’re all capital

4.    When entertaining IS allowable 

5.    Interest Relief for Loans

Lee will be answering questions sent in by email at the end of the webinar, please email your question to by 12pm Monday 22nd November.

You can register in advance for the webinar by clicking the button below. By registering for this webinar you ensure that you will be sent a recording even if you are unable to attend live.

Previous webinars

All our webinars are recorded and are available for free online. 

Enter your name and email address to be sent the link to watch.

October Webinar - Maximising Tax Relief For Landlords' Expenses

The eighth webinar in our series discussed how you can use tax relief as a legitimate way to increase your property profits, without relying on rent increases. 

Presented by tax expert Lee Sharpe, he explains:

  • How landlords may use the new cash basis AND the accruals basis to best advantage as we claw our way out of the pandemic
  • The grim spectre of rising interest rates
  • The grave implications of incorporating a property business
  • Making Tax Digital – the grisly truth
  • The hidden costs lurking beneath a claim for using your home as an office

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September Webinar: Do the Numbers Still Stack Up for Family Companies?

The seventh webinar in our series gave guidance on the key tax issues of particular relevance to personal and family companies, both from the perspective of the company itself and the directors and shareholders behind the company.

The webinar covered:

  • Effects of the scheduled Corporation Tax rates rise, and the new Health & Social Care Levy:
    •    Ordinary Trading Company
    •    Ordinary Property Investment Company

    Incorporating into a Company
    •    Incorporation Relief
    •    Entrepreneurs’ Relief / Business Asset Disposal Relief?

    While You’re In a Company
    •    Standard Remuneration
    •    Tax-Favoured Benefits/Rewards to Maximise
    •    “Directors Loan Account”

    Exiting / Disincorporating out of a Company
    •    Disincorporation Relief?
    •    Selling On – Entrepreneurs’ Relief / BADR
    •    Liquidation
    •    Pension
    •    Those Pesky Kids

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August Webinar: Property Taxation – Joint Ownership and Partnerships

The sixth webinar in our series covered up to date tax saving tips and strategies for taxpayers and advisers on joint ownership of property and different property partnership structures. You’ll learn how different types of property ownership provide different tax saving opportunities. 

In particular, Lee covered:

 1.   Why joint or co-ownership?
2.    Basic legal position
3.    What is the difference between general co-ownership and partnership, and why does it matter?
4.    Key pitfalls / errors to look out for:
o    Settlements anti-avoidance
o    Spouses/ civil partners and Form 17
o    CGT and partnerships
o    SDLT and profit-sharing

Watch the webinar

July Webinar: Tax Tips for Company Directors

The fifth webinar in our series looked at the latest tax planning strategies for directors of small or medium sized companies from all stages of a company’s life from incorporation through to cessation.

The webinar covered:

  • Incorporating a business: Sell your business to the company, or swap for shares?
  • Remember Capital Allowances (particularly with commercial property)
  • Alphabet shares
  • Optimising salary v dividends
  • Loan accounts, and why they can be useful, and why they can also be a pain
  • Timing is everything
  • Sweating the small stuff 
  • Punching out, or selling up

Watch the webinar

May Webinar: How to Get Value Out of Your Company – Tax-Efficiently

The fourth webinar in our series looked at how to make sure you are getting the best out of your company, while pointing out some of the pitfalls to avoid.

The webinar covered:

  • George’s Long Con: How dividend taxation and corporate tax rates have been manipulated in just a few short years
  • The eternal question: Is incorporation still worth it?
  • The other eternal question: Salary or dividends?
  • It’s not about the money – Tax-efficient benefits 
  • Loans to directors – Not all bad
  • Putting your family to work
  • Long term planning: Selling and cashing out, company as Pension, and employee ownership trusts

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April Webinar: 'An Introduction to Trusts and Tax' by Lee Sharpe

The third webinar in our series focuses on the important topic of trusts. Many people think that property trusts are complicated and expensive to run, but in reality, they are simple to form and when you know how to use property trusts correctly, they can help reduce your taxes and save you money. 

Presented by tax expert Lee Sharpe, he explains:

  • The different types of trust, when they might be used and how they are taxed once they are running
  • Setting up and ending trusts
  • Tax saving using trusts
  • “Special” trusts for 18 - 25s or disabled people
  • And more

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March Webinar: 'Directors' Loan Accounts - Don't Get Caught Out' by Lee Sharpe

Hosted by tax expert Lee Sharpe, this webinar covers everything you need to know about how to use, and how not to use, directors' loan accounts.

This webinar is for any director of a family or personal company who wants to know the best tips to reduce their tax liability, while staying on the right side of the law and avoiding the common UK tax traps around directors' loan accounts.

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February Webinar: 'Landlord Tax Tips and Traps for Property Development & Conversions' by Lee Sharpe

This webinar focuses on key pitfalls and challenges that can catch landlords out when developing property, as well as tripping up some accountants and tax advisers. 

In particular, Lee discussed developing residential properties for re-sale and the multitude of traps that can occur. 

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